Find your voice
Discover your joy
Embrace your magic
Find your voice 🧜♀️ Discover your joy 💖 Embrace your magic ✨
Working with me is like working with your bestie to create more magic in the universe!
Let’s create a compass that connects you to all the places and things in the world that match your AUTHENTIC FREQUENCY! 💖
This is why I hire coaches, and why I think you should too! And, seriously, what could be more fun than a magical mermaid guide??? ❤️🧜♀️✨

The world is begging for a more potent and expanded version of YOU ❤️
And, when you choose me as your life coach, I help you to embrace your magic and BRING IT!!
Together we will strengthen your resources so you grow more skilled to better manage stress, enhance your well-being, stop self-sabotage, and garner support for more of what you want in your life. You’ll meet a more resilient you!
You’ll embrace more opportunities that help you thrive in life and stop feeling like you’re merely surviving. Mermaid Magic is living the life you’ve imagined!
Why love and money?
Love and money are source energies in our lives. It’s all about how you relate to these sources of abundance.
How much abundance do you believe you are worthy of receiving?
Rather than put a Band-aid over symptoms that are causing disruption in your life, I help you get down to the ‘root cause’ of what’s keeping you from HAVING.
And then I help you feel supported in the breakthrough of having more! ❤️
With money, you will move from feeling worry to feeling more confident and worthy!!! You’ll feel more secure, free, and empowered around your money!
And with love, you’ll feel a warm adoration…. Like the world just wants to greet you with a giant hug everywhere you go 🫶
My philosophy: people do not need to be fixed. They need to be loved. And ironically, love fixes everything!
I’ll teach you major skills that feel like popping a Xanax for instant relief when dealing with any personal matters of the heart.
My specialty includes incorporating many mindfulness techniques that I have learned from my years as a meditation and yoga instructor. In particular, we pay attention to your nervous system and keep it regulated to love and trust. Central nervous system regulation is one thing I really wish was taught in schools, and I won’t shut up about it! You’ll experience less anxiety and self-doubt, and you’ll begin to embody the feeling of deep TRUST. Additional tools that are my special blend of magic include mirror magic, inner child healing, shadow work, unshaming, central nervous system regulation and other somatic techniques, feminine energy work, intentions, memory reconsolidation techniques, thought work, Oracles and tarot readings from the mermaid realm, pendulum dowsing, my lifelong specialty of dream interpretations, and more!
Why choose a Magical Mermaid? ✨🧜🏻♀️
We live in the land of repressed emotions, and it’s killing us!! Our emotions are our energy in motion. They make up the watery subconscious that is the source of life. And mermaids excel at matters of the heart and swimming in the abyss of emotions. I can teach you the skills to navigate in the watery underworld with ease and confidence. I teach you the skills to align with the feelings you want to experience in the land of consciousness… from the sea to the land! From unconscious to conscious. Believe in the unbelievable and live the life you’ve imagined. If you want a loving, supportive, sweet, salty, sassy, and sweary Magical Mermaid co-creator, then you’ve found me!
This is for you if….
✨ You value lifelong learning and have a commitment to building more resilient mental health.
✨ You are led by a purpose of deep love and compassion rooted in your own personal integrity.
✨ You really want to experience a rich, expansive, and luscious life in the forms of having more love and more money.
✨ You gratefully pay money for things that bring you more inner richness and well-being.
✨ You have a deep desire to really know and experience your own magic in order to do your part in co-creating a more magical Universe.
✨ You enjoy the taste of your own juicy expansion!
✨ You were likely the “parentified child” that was given unrealistic expectations for doing things exactly right. The pressure to be perfect and the analysis paralysis you carry is almost unbearable at times. You’ve become burnt out and exhausted from a lifetime of picking up the weight of over-responsibility. And now, you have DECIDED that it’s time to grant yourself permission to play, permission to listen to your own voice, permission to be a magical human, and permission to enthusiastically express your joy.
Does this sound like the desires of your heart?
If so, it’s time for us to get the party started! An ocean of abundance awaits you, and I’d love to be your guide ❤️🧜♀️