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What’s love got to do with it?
There are studies that even indicate that the more a child is hugged, the more money they will make.
I’m resharing the article I wrote below in which working on my money mindset really started to clean up my dating life.

Money – What’s Your Intention?
When it comes to money, everyone wants to know the secrets to getting more of it and what’s the best budget. Simply put, ALL budgets work and NO budgets work. It’s not the budget, but the intention that you bring to it. And, really notice the intention. Is it loving and kind, or is it demanding, pushy, restrictive and authoritative?

Give Thanks to You
One of the things that I love so much about coaching my clients is that I get to witness their big generous hearts! So many people come to me to learn to make more money so that they can be more generous.
The thing is, true generosity benefits both people and both parties involved.
What I want to offer is that generosity and gratitude start with you.

I Love Dating
“I love dating!” Said no-one ever.
But, here’s the thing. You can’t hate your way to love. Anyone that knows even the slightest bit about the law of attraction knows that your thoughts and feelings give off your “vibe.”
If you are miserable, frustrated, and bored with dating, you’re going to keep putting out that vibe and attracting more misery, frustration, and people that are so uninteresting that you’re bored and burnt out from the whole process.

Money Sabotage
Do you have a block that is sabotaging you and telling you not to go for it?
Most of us have a belief that money is hard. What would it be like for you if money were easy?
“Money is hard“ is one of the main thought blocks that block us from money and other forms of abundance. It will tell us to not even go for the simplest of things. In my case, it’s the extra loving details that make my home beautiful. Recently, I witnessed my brain throwing thoughts at me like hand grenades over twinkle fairy lights.

What’s your million dollar thought?
On of the things I teach my clients is that money is made with your mind. It’s your thoughts that lead to valuable actions and ideas. I teach my clients a specific model to get the results they want in their lives, and the model works like this: Life presents a neutral CIRCUMSTANCE. You have a THOUGHT about it.

4 Steps to Confidence
Four steps to confidence! So many of my clients come to me seeking confidence. They tell me that if only they had confidence, they could actually do all the things they want to do. If they just had it, they could live their dreams, and they want to know more about just how to get it.

4 Common Money Blocks
A “GET” mindset. Money is not actually something that we get/pursue…
It is something that we attract. You’ll know that you have this block if you think things like this, “If could GET more money, I could BE more generous.” I used to think that if I could GET more money, I could BE free to pursue the things I actually enjoy. In order to attract money, you align yourself with that way of BEING that you are looking for.

Using Money as the Salve
How do you deal with pain?
For many of us, we like to numb the pain. Some use alcohol or other substances. Some used video games or gambling.
Some of us use shopping as a welcome distraction.
Where might you be using money to buffer your emotions??? Consider waiting just 24 hours before unplanned spending and see what urge arises that you were hoping the spending would fix. Discover your rich inner life instead.

Self Confidence
Most of us just think of confidence. It is our ability to do something. That ability to believe that we can do something is based on our PAST experiences. For instance, we are confident that we can pour a glass of water because we have done so successfully before.
However, developing confidence does not develop Self Confidence.
Self-Confidence is FUTURE focused.
It is our belief in our ability to figure things out. It is our belief in our ability that we can manage our experience of failure. It’s our belief in ourselves to show up and take action.
And mostly, it’s a DECISION to think about ourselves however we want.

My Clients Struggle with Burnout. They come to me, and they say, “I’m so tired of being the giver all the time.” And I say, “why? Giving feels amazing!!! Why not choose to always be the giver?”
When we feel burnout, it’s because we are giving to GET.

How to Create an Abundance Mindset
Our biography shapes our biology.
The stories we tell ourselves and the words we use are so powerful that they literally shape our reality.
Habitually, we often tell ourselves that we NEED something. We rarely speak of just WANTING something.

Undercover Billionaire
I am OBSESSED with this show!!
It’s like my favorite fun, lovable, billionaire uncle took me to work for 90 days and said, “watch and learn!” I was fascinated from the get go!
I just binged the whole first season, and I learned so many wonderful things posted below. But, watch the show!!! You’ll love it, and then please tell me what you loved most in the comments below

How Money Issues can be a Sign of Unresolved Trauma.

Why “Do what you Love & the Money will Follow,” is Terrible Career Advice.
I’m a money mindset coach. Many people seek out my services because of their pervasive feeling of being unsatisfied with their jobs, and longing for something that will inspire them with passion and purpose.
I’m a causal coach, and I work with my clients to explore the root cause of what’s leading to their results. In order to do that, we start from the beginning; our thoughts influence our feelings, and we take action from our feelings, and our actions lead to results.

10 Things Depression May be Trying to Tell You.
We’re in the middle of a pandemic—who wouldn’t be depressed? Although this circumstance may leave us appropriately feeling this way, I would also like to offer up the idea that maybe it’s possible that these feelings of depression actually serve us in some way.

From Empath to Hercules: How Healing my Relationship with Money helped me Find my Power.
Have you endured narcissistic emotional abuse?
Are you tired of having to prove your worth?
Do you feel utterly powerless?
Listen up! This. Is. For. You.
I used to call myself an empath. I spent years in a relationship rife with narcissistic abuse. I lost so much power and belief in myself.
As soon as I started addressing my money issues, I noticed that I started to clean up and heal these emotional blocks. I was on the path to claiming my power. Money represents power in our culture. By addressing my money issues, how could I not heal those wounds of feeling powerless…

Thought Errors
What is a Thought Error?
Watch Thought Errors by April Wahl to learn what a thought error is and skills to overcome it.