“Her rebirth was stunning, she lifted herself up from the depths of despair, grasped her dreams, embedded them in her heart, and walked forward into a future that only her will and vision could control.”
I’m taking a break from one-on-one coaching to embrace my mermaid magic and work on my upcoming book🧜♀️✨
We’ll be diving back in April 2025 with my new Play Pod!
Scroll down to discover more ⬇️
The Play Pod is the place for light workers (like you!) who want a safe and cozy harbor to rest, play, and practice leveling up your magic — Because being a light worker is serious business!
Even though you take your destiny seriously, it’s a simple fact that you cannot grind your way to lightness. You likely struggle with feeling ‘selfish’ when it comes to following your calling, and you often find yourself encountering much resistance, and swimming against the tide when it comes to following your heart. Maybe you even find yourself repeatedly landing in an undertow of self-sabotage arrangements. I’d love to help you escape these whirlpools going nowhere. I’d love to teach you self-empowering constellations so that you can create something new and sparkly for yourself. 💫🧜♀️🌊
It’s also fact that we are steeped in hustle culture and we become the average of the five people we spend the most time with. For this reason, It’s crucial for you to be surrounded by a magical team of love and support. With purpose, and on purpose, you want to choose to place yourself among other light workers consistently practicing being light. ✨
And, what could possibly be lighter than play???
This is the magic formula on how you multiply your light. 😉
Surround yourself with other magical light beings and play! 🧜♀️💛🧜♀️
The Play Pod is also the place where you come to birth your dreams.
New worlds are created here and you may even experience a gentle, loving, rebirth into the life you always imagined for yourself. It’s my absolute dream to see you live your dreams!
In the play pod, we practice the mermaid motto: I do what I want.
Because your desires are fueled by your soul power, and, we are going to play with everything standing between what your heart desires and letting it flow into the fruition that is your life. You will stop sacrificing your voice and this one precious life that is yours: You will free your soul. 💫
Although I lead the pods, I am not your guru. I am simply your Magical Mermaid guide assisting you in finding your voice, discovering your joy, and developing your own personal blend of magic - I simply guide you to the oracle that is your life.
Energy is contagious — Choose to spend time with people who believe in your magic and inspire you more. Being in the play pod will automatically infuse your life with more love, magic, ease, beauty, and flow. It’s the place where you will receive the graceful and gritty guidance you’ve been searching for.
Below are the heart-of-the-matter agreements for the pod structure that is best designed to support you in your devotion to your craft.
Cost per month - $111 clam shells
111 is a sign from your intuition verifying that you are on your own personal path aligned with abundance and creating your dream reality. As a Mermaid Spirit, the very specific magic you will be playing with is, ‘believing in the unbelievable and creating the life you imagine.’ It’s hot stuff! It’s also my personal dream to deliver amazing quality coaching at a super affordable price. This energetic price point is intentionally chosen to signify your commitment to align with your voice that is pulling you toward your highest calling.
Pod participants - 5 per pod
I have intentionally chosen for each pod to hold 5 committed Mermaid Spirits (111 x 5 = 555)
555 is the magical number that signifies BIG changes towards your highest good! Not only will you get expert coaching by me within your pod, but I will also be teaching you personal self-coaching skills that you will forever have to take with you anywhere you go. You will also have opportunities to blend and share your magic within the group. Pods will be containers led by me with the intention to make space for us all to practice the skills of co-creating with the universe. We heal in community. Together, your energy will be amplified, and you will experience quantum shifts in your life.
3 sessions per month: 111 x 3 = 333
The Universe is supporting you!
In addition to your 3 empowering group sessions, your 4th week will be supporting you with space for deep rest and integration. It is akin to the svasana experience in a yoga class. By intentionally creating space for this practice, you are engaging in a form of active rest. Rest is an integral part of healing and a main component of our play curriculum. Like children, we will play hard and rest much. I very much encourage you to take the soft approach in whatever you do and languish like a mermaid whenever possible.
Furthermore, this number serves as a reminder that your spirit guides and all of your ancestors are also on board with supporting you and your dreams. This number was chosen so you can continuously remember to pay homage to all the things you cannot see in the Universe that continuously support you.
Discover Your Treasure Within ✨
Discover Your Treasure Within ✨
Not sure where to begin?
Let’s create a compass that connects you to all the places and things in the world that match your AUTHENTIC FREQUENCY! 💖
Your Soul Compass will help you cut through the chaos and confusion in your life, and it will provide you with the ease of absolute clarity on your life’s journey. It is attuned to your true north - your soul power and the magical essence that is the truest you: your diamond self. You’ll discover the resonance of your soul’s path consistently guiding you to find your voice, discover your joy, and embrace your magic. It is attuned to the authenticity of your soul.

Why Hire a Life Coach?
Working with a life coach will help you move into an expanded, more potent version of YOU!! The world is begging for this version of you. ❤️
Life coaching gives you the skills to better manage stress, enhance your well-being, stop self-sabotage, and garner support for more of what you want in your life. Life coaching gives you the tools to become more resilient. Why merely survive when you can absolutely thrive?
Life coaching is about investing in your emotional well-being, and this improves every aspect of your life. My philosophy: people do not need to be fixed. They need to be loved. And ironically, love fixes everything!
Why a Mermaid Coach?
Because why not??? What could be a more magical experience? So often, we treat our self-care, healing, and growth as a job! You cannot grind your way to enlightenment. We arrive at love, light, and joyful play by traveling that way. My coaching style is akin to a loving, supportive, and fun Big Sister that loves you, believes in you, and wants the very best for you!! I am also a little sassy, salty, and sweary! You want to hire me if you’re looking for a loving, fun, and supportive co-creator! I will celebrate all your wins with you reminding you that you deserve every bit of it and more!
Why Love and Money?
I am a causal coach. Rather than put a Band-aid over symptoms that are causing disruption in our lives, I help you get down to the ‘root cause’ of what’s holding you back from the life you desire. Love and money are source energies in our lives. It’s all about how you relate to these sources. How much of this source energy do you believe you are worthy of receiving?
Most of us have a very basic and stressful relationship with love and money rooted in just surviving. But, what if you could move beyond that? What would it be like for you to have love relationships that are deeply fulfilling and add to the quality of your life? What if you felt zero stress about money, and only joyfulness regarding it? So many of us believe we are broken when it comes to matters of the heart, and we so often believe that we are not worthy of a generous partner or generous bank account. I help you build a congruent belief system of abundance. I help you step into your worthiness and believe that you truly do deserve plentiful life sources of love and money “As within, so without.”
How to tell if your heart desires this partnership…
✨You value lifelong learning and have a commitment to building more resilient mental health.
✨You are led by a purpose of deep love and compassion rooted in your own personal integrity.
✨ You really want to experience a rich, expansive, and luscious life in the forms of having more love and more money.
✨ You gratefully pay money for things that bring you more inner richness and well-being.
✨You have a deep desire to really know and experience your own magic in order to do your part in co-creating a more magical Universe. You enjoy the taste of your own juicy expansion!
✨You were likely the “parentified child” that was given unrealistic expectations for doing things perfectly right. The pressure and paralysis analysis you carry is almost unbearable at times. You’ve become burnt out and exhausted from a lifetime of picking up the weight of over-responsibility and being the golden child! And now, You have DECIDED that it’s time to grant yourself permission to play, permission to listen to your own voice, and permission to enthusiastically express your joy
Does this sound like what your heart desires?
If so, I am your earthly and magical mermaid co-creator, and it’s time for us to get the party started! An ocean of abundance awaits you, and I’d love to be your guide ❤️🧜
Mermaid Money Magic Workshop
“The mermaid archetype can often be found with money. It looks like giving up your freedom to be in order to have what you truly want.
The best way to make money is to feel your feelings! So many of us witness our relationship with money through a lens of shame which makes us feel stuck…. The absolute opposite of financial freedom!
I will teach you how to regulate your emotions to the feelings of security, freedom, and empowerment. That’s the frequency of money, and you will align with it.
Feel supported in the breakthrough of HAVING!!”
Get the recorded workshop now for only $15, or Join the mermaid cove and watch for free!
I can see why this program will work for those who commit to it because it focuses on the why of one’s relationship with money issues, and not simple an external “how-to” fix that ignores the underlying root cause. April’s Freedom program addresses both and without guilt. I can think of a lot of people who would benefit from April’s Coaching.
-Tracy M
“April helped me gain clarity on my money and abundance blocks. I stopped feeling helpless and trapped in my relationship with money and found creative ways to personally thrive with money.”
- Susan S