Heart is a sea, language is the shore. Whatever is in a sea hits the shore.
Mermaid Spirit in Dreams
Anyone who’s ever dated me has been subject to my dream interpretations over our morning coffee 🤣
I don’t just call on Oracle of the Mermaids for magical messages of healing, love, and romance. I also love to call upon my vivid dreams, rife with symbolism. I believe in dreams, there’s a part of me that’s not in this world that speaks to the part of me that is in this world. Sometimes, my client will bring a dream to me and we will discuss the symbolism of their dream as a way to connect with their own intuition. It’s a FEELING Universe. I help my creative entrepreneurs get more in touch with their intuition and let it help to guide them.
I often get asked about the mermaid symbols you see in my posts.
The symbolism came to me in a dream around 15 years ago. If you’ve been following me, you know that I also like to talk about dream symbols.
I spent far too many years in an emotionally abusive relationship.
I had come to a point in my life where I honestly wasn’t doing very well.
I was feeling burnt out from my nervous system being in constant fight or flight mode.
I felt overwhelmed.
I felt trapped.
I felt hopeless.
I felt isolated and disconnected from myself and my entire life. I had lost any meaning and purpose for my own life beyond mere survival.
I had lost my voice.
I felt like I was drowning in a sea of misery and despair. I was deep in the abyss of my watery emotions.
One night I had a dream that I was swimming in the ocean and I kept falling deeper and deeper. It was getting so dark and the surface and sunlight seemed so far away. I surrendered to the idea that I was just going to drown.
All of a sudden I started breathing underwater. I felt relief in the deep oppression. I started to flow freely feeling lighter and lighter. I felt FREE and it felt amazing!! Eventually, I floated back up to the top and everything was fine. But, because I was breathing so easily underwater, I was actually enjoying myself. I didn’t feel a rush to get out and away from the water that was just previously engulfing me.
I like to think that in dreams, there is a part of me not of this world that is speaking to a part of me in this world. When I awoke, I felt the message was…
“You are not drowning. You are learning to swim in the watery world of emotions.”
From that point on, I seemed to be able to let myself breathe among my most suffocating emotions. I started to navigate my way out of the sea of despair.
Now, I like to channel my Mermaid Spirit even deeper to help us all remember that we have permission to play✨💖🧜♀️💖🧜♀️✨
And, to remember to return to the feminine.🧜♀️
Too much of the patriarchy bullshit has us out of touch with our feminine energy and playfulness.
My mermaid Spirit connects me to other mermaids…
The people that have lost their voice.
The people that have sacrificed their feminine world in order to be successful in the patriarchy.
The people that love to work with me are people that want to find their voice and discover their joy.
They want to give themselves permission to sparkle to their fullest✨🧜♀️✨
Upon choosing to enter into the sea of love again and start dating, I had a message from my Mermaid Spirit in the form of dreams. I had a dream that I was attending an event at an art gallery with my beloved. It was a gigantic white spacious room. We were both wearing formal wear like we would wear to a prom. In the dream, he gave me a gift, and as he gave it to me, he whispered something in my ear. The gift was a beautiful painting of various blue colors of the throat chakra. Below are the symbols and messages I received.
White spacious room = space and room
Whisper = listen carefully
Formal attire = this is important
Art as a gift = gift of expression
Blue colors of throat chakra = self-expression.
Message: Listen carefully, it is important that you be with someone that gives you space to fully express yourself and your voice.
Ever dream of lost luggage? If so, do you know what it means for you? I like to sit with myself and interpret my own dreams symbols before I look them up. Last night I dreamt of lost luggage. Typically when I have this dream, it’s a lot of luggage that I have lost and I’m very stressed and overwhelmed about it. Last night, it was one carry-on. And it had my MacBook in it. It was the thing that had my whole life in it. My connection to everything. I had a dream that I took a trip and I didn’t lose the luggage, I actually forgot to bring it. I left it behind. When I got to my destination, I thought back and I felt very strange that I came to the airport without even realizing I didn’t have my luggage for the trip. My mind was boggled. I kept asking myself, “shouldn’t I be worried? It’s my MacBook!?!“ However, I felt entirely peaceful. And my every need was met everywhere I went.
Whenever I have a significant dream like this, it’s because I can feel that a shift has taken place in me at a cellular level. This week, my business coach, Ruth Duren, coached me hard on my defenses. It started out with us talking about my marketing, and then she picked up on some of my defensiveness which we explored because you know that shit is going to show up EVERYWHERE🤣
Anyway, I must’ve been ripe for the receiving as this week I have seen and felt so many of my defenses coming down. And like a fish that does not know it’s in water, I had no idea I had been carrying these around. My world feels lighter. I am freer. I have more energy traveling lighter. Although don’t get me wrong, I felt extremely raw for the first part of the week. I felt so vulnerable and exposed without carrying around my defenses. In my family, defensiveness and a combative nature were the way I connected with my caregivers. Represented by my laptop, my connection to the world😉
I thought I always needed my defenses to survive. My dream showed me that without it, I still had my every need met. I remember my biggest fear in the dream being that I would never have my laptop and I would never again feel connected. But I did💖
So connected. 🧜♀️💖🧜♀️
More connected without it.
I noticed the more my defenses came down, raw vulnerability oozed out of my center, and yet I felt perfectly safe because naturally as defenses come down, boundaries strengthened like a moat around my inner kingdom👸
Just another installment of first chakra healing💖
May the rawness of your own heart be a treasure you share with the world✨💖🧜♀️
Anyone ever dream about tornadoes? Last night was a doozy!!
“It could be a sign you need to put up some better boundaries, says Laz. “Or maybe you need to literally remove yourself from the situation lest you get ‘taken out,’ or that you need to ‘face the storm’ so that it doesn’t gain further momentum,” she tells Bustle.”
Sometimes, I do feel a little out of touch with some of my deeper emotions. Sometimes I dismiss a feeling. No worry…. My dreams always remind me😉
I felt a lot of fear in my dream, but one thing I do remember is that the building I was in felt very secure. I was inside looking out, and it was the biggest tornado I had ever seen. It was strange for me to feel scared and secure at the same time. The worst thing that happened was the window in front of me blew out, and then the tornado retreated back into the sky.
I am in a place right now dealing with some intense emotions, and rather than retreat from these overwhelming emotions, I have been standing firm in the storm. Processing my emotions and staying present with my circumstance is changing the way I see a lot of things. I can see that this circumstance has literally just “shattered my worldview.”
Let’s talk about all the dreamy things in love, life, and money 💖
Last night I had a terrifying and overwhelming dream that the walls of my home were filled with bees trying to get out. You could see the bulging imprints and even the color of the bees through my white thin walls 🐝.
I’m not surprised. My head has been spinning with so many creative ideas in my business right now. 🐝 Bees represent abundant prosperity, riches, and good luck! And for so many of us, growth in this direction is terrifying!! This is why so many will sabotage their success. As a Money Mindset coach, my clients want money. They want more of it. And they are also terrified of it. Imagine being terrified of something that you really want. How do you reconcile that? Yeah, that’s what I help my clients do 💗
Meanwhile, my dreams are telling me that I am also fearful of some of my upper limits of success that’s coming my way.