Are you frustrated and overwhelmed with dating and internet dating?  You want to find a loving relationship, and yet every time you get online for dating, you’re so disappointed!  You feel like it is a big waste of time for you.  You immediately shut down your online account only to repeat this pattern again within the next few weeks or months hoping for different results.  This class will give you that “something different” to enjoy the process of dating!

Dive in to my Summer Lovin’ Workshop!

Sign up to get this workshop, and other exclusive content for free!

In this class, you’ll learn:

  • How to write a profile that speaks to YOUR guy and invites him to reach out to you.

  • You’ll also learn the things that you may be doing that might be repelling your type of guy and instead learn how to connect with him in a way so he feels that you really ‘get’ him.

  • You’ll form deeper connections to the guys you’re interested in.

  • The jobless duds will no longer be on your radar wasting any more of your time.

  • You’ll learn how to get 4-6 dates per week.

  • You’ll stop feeling powerless, overwhelmed, and frustrated with the dating process.

  • You’ll learn the ONE thought that will make you magnetic, and not just in your dating life 😉

  • You’ll change your results and start loving the process! ♥️

Instead of frustration and overwhelm, you’ll feel warmth, fun, playfulness, and loving connection. 🥰 Did you even know it was possible to feel that with internet dating? You can, and you will, but first, you have to decide to join me!! 

Get the recorded worship now for only $15, or Join the mermaid cove and watch for free!

Summer Lovin' Workshop
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